below is a non-comprehensive list of potentially manageable conditions.
this area of the website is in ongoing construction, where periodically throughout 2024, these conditions will have a link added for more information on how bodywork has the potential for healing and change. keep checking back!
Allergies, Chronic and Sinus, Eye, Ear Congestion
Anxiety, Agitation and Restlessness
Arthritis (Various Types)
Brachial Plexus Syndrome
Breathing Tightness or Shortness, Chronic (Non Acute)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Radial Entrapment
Chronic Pain
Circulatory Support
Concussion (Post-Concussion Syndrome; Sub Acute)
Ehlers-Danlose Syndrome
Epicondylitis (aka Tennis or Golfer's Elbow)
Fractures (after 8 or more weeks)
Frozen Shoulder (aka Adhesive Capsulitis)
Generalized Pain
Headaches (Cluster and Tension Types, and Migraines)
Heart Conditions (When Indicated by MD, as Part of a Wellness Plan)
Hip Pain and Range of Motion
Ilio-Lumbar Dysfunction
Immune System Support
Joint Degeneration
Joint Replacements
Knee Pain
Long Covid
Low Back Pain aka Lumbago
Lyme, Chronic (and Co-Infections)
Lymphatic System Support
Menstrual Pain and PMS
Multiple Sclerosis
Myofascial Pain
Neck Pain and Range of Motion
Pelvic Floor Therapy Support (Synergist Muscle Groups)
Plantar Fasciitis and Foot Pain
Post Operative Care
Pre Operative Care
Psoas Syndrome
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Rotator Cuff Injury
Sciatica (and False Sciatica)
Shoulder Pain and Range of Motion
SI Joint Instability
Sleep Insomnia
Sore Throat, Chronic (Non-Contagious) and Cough
Spinal Conditions: Spondylolisthesis, Spondylitis, Spondylosis, Stenosis
Spinal: Bulges and Herniations (Sub-Acute, Non-Emergent, and/ or when Indicated by MD)
Spinal: Post-Surgery (After appropriate healing time, and/ or when Indicated by MD)
Sports Injuries
Sprains (Sub-Acute)
Tendonopathy: Tendonitis and Tendonosis
Text Neck
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
TMJ-Dysfunction (and Phantom Tooth Pain)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigger Points
Upper Back Pain
Upper Cross Syndrome
Vertigo (In cases where there is a physiological mechanism)
Whiplash (Sub-Acute)
Anxiety, Agitation and Restlessness
Arthritis (Various Types)
Brachial Plexus Syndrome
Breathing Tightness or Shortness, Chronic (Non Acute)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Radial Entrapment
Chronic Pain
Circulatory Support
Concussion (Post-Concussion Syndrome; Sub Acute)
Ehlers-Danlose Syndrome
Epicondylitis (aka Tennis or Golfer's Elbow)
Fractures (after 8 or more weeks)
Frozen Shoulder (aka Adhesive Capsulitis)
Generalized Pain
Headaches (Cluster and Tension Types, and Migraines)
Heart Conditions (When Indicated by MD, as Part of a Wellness Plan)
Hip Pain and Range of Motion
Ilio-Lumbar Dysfunction
Immune System Support
Joint Degeneration
Joint Replacements
Knee Pain
Long Covid
Low Back Pain aka Lumbago
Lyme, Chronic (and Co-Infections)
Lymphatic System Support
Menstrual Pain and PMS
Multiple Sclerosis
Myofascial Pain
Neck Pain and Range of Motion
Pelvic Floor Therapy Support (Synergist Muscle Groups)
Plantar Fasciitis and Foot Pain
Post Operative Care
Pre Operative Care
Psoas Syndrome
Repetitive Strain Injuries
Rotator Cuff Injury
Sciatica (and False Sciatica)
Shoulder Pain and Range of Motion
SI Joint Instability
Sleep Insomnia
Sore Throat, Chronic (Non-Contagious) and Cough
Spinal Conditions: Spondylolisthesis, Spondylitis, Spondylosis, Stenosis
Spinal: Bulges and Herniations (Sub-Acute, Non-Emergent, and/ or when Indicated by MD)
Spinal: Post-Surgery (After appropriate healing time, and/ or when Indicated by MD)
Sports Injuries
Sprains (Sub-Acute)
Tendonopathy: Tendonitis and Tendonosis
Text Neck
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
TMJ-Dysfunction (and Phantom Tooth Pain)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigger Points
Upper Back Pain
Upper Cross Syndrome
Vertigo (In cases where there is a physiological mechanism)
Whiplash (Sub-Acute)